Wednesday, 14 November 2012

It's been quite awhile since I've made a post here, that keeps on happening... I'll try harder to post more.

In the last couple weeks I've done quite a bit. Two and a half weeks ago I went to France to collect chestnuts with my host family and another family for Castanya. It was quite enjoyable. It was outdoors in the mountains, so naturally I felt at home. I don't know, but there was just something so invigorating about being there. The air just felt so much fresher then here in the city, it was lovely. We had to "hike" to where we wanted to pick chestnuts, and to get to the trail we had to go through this small town. This town was completely beautiful! I loved it....

A house in the town

Once on the "hike" (I put hike in quotations because it was not the BC standard of a hike, it basically was a walk on pavement) it was still breathtakingly beautiful. There were mountains, trees, and actual forests!! I just loved it, for the first time on my trip I really felt like I belonged, it was wonderful.

The mountains before we started the hike

The mountains during the hike

When we got to the top there was a big beautiful church and SOOOOO many chestnuts. We collected a bunch of them :)

The church

I had a lot of fun in France and I really hope we can go there again.

Other than going to France my life has been very normal. I go to school, eat, exercise, and sleep. I've been having more and more fun though in school, which is nice. 

This weekend I went to this house up in the mountains with my host family and their friends. Here are some pictures:
The house we were staying in

View from the house

Thursday, 25 October 2012

I'm feeling good, don't worry.

This week has been good.

I've talked to a friend about my frustrations and she says she understands and will help me, which is GREAT! School has been getting better, slowly. I'm really pushing myself to talk with people even more and I think it is going really good. I'm also learning new things all the time about Spanish, so I'm not to worried about the language. So if you are worried, there is no need to be. I sometimes get really frustrated and since I don't really have anyone here to rant to about it with (because at the moment I don't have a counsellor here), I ranted about it on my blog. I'm sorry if I worried anyone.

Today was actually a really good day. I took my parents advice and tried to be more open minded. AND, my dear parents, I'm sorry if I was so grumpy to you, I just hate it when your right when I'm feeling bad. I was being a little closed minded and immature when I was talking to you, and for that I am sorry. BUT any-who, about my day. I went and I helped out in a "grade 8" (segundo de eso) English class, and boy was that fun.

I was helping out these 2 boys who were doing a project on Canada. After the teacher introduced me to the boys, I told them I was from Vancouver, and one of the boys reaction was priceless. He got excited and told me he liked the Vancouver Canucks and that he really liked Canada. I was thinking, "This kid is going to go places in life." He also told me that he was going to Vancouver in 3 years, which I was like that's really far planning ahead, but OK. Then the boys proceeded to ask me about Canada and I helped with their English on their slides for the presentation.

Later in the day I went out for a walk, and I needed to send off my postcards. After I sent the postcards off I went to this shop I always look at. It is a tea shop, so of course being the tea fanatic I am, I had to go. I went and I bought chai tea and had a nice conversation with the store owner. She told me she always saw me looking in the shop when I passed by it (this is usually when I'm walking back from the gym and I have no money so I never go in). She also asked me where I was from, she thought I was from Japan because of my "looks" but I told her I was from Canada. She was surprised, and then I told her I was half Chinese and half German, and she was like, "That's a good mix" I agreed. She also gave me these free sugar candy things to put in your tea for free. She was super nice. I also would like to point out that I spoke only in Spanish, though it was very broken Spanish, it was Spanish.

And that's really all that happened to me today.

OH and also because I have so much free time, I've been really "finding" my style. It kinda all started when I was drawing something from a show I liked, when I though I really like drawing like this. It doesn't make me stressed it's just fun. So I drew more and more like that and I really like it. I'm still developing it more but for now it is just so fun to draw like this.

Wednesday, 17 October 2012

So things have been a little bit difficult for the last couple of days, but I think it'll be better soon.
this picture just... it sums everything up

I'm just going to take a step back and let friends come to me and not try to force things that aren't working. 

I also want to start trying to "find my style" in art. I think it'll really help me advance and become better

well that's really all... I just wanted to give a few little update

Also I drew this, it got a lot of likes on DA and it made me happy

Saturday, 13 October 2012

I'm done.

Just because I don't speak the same language as you, does not mean I like being ignored.
Just because I'm not the same as you, does not mean I don't like being included.
Just because I don't like the same things as you, does not mean I don't like being ditched.

I'm trying so hard to make friends and be nice and talk to people, but I'm not getting back what I put out there. I got ditched not once but three times by my "friends" today. Do you know how much that hurts? If you don't want to be friends with me just tell me, okay? Don't let me believe you like me and then just not talk to me or ditch me, because that hurts a lot more then just telling me you don't like me. I can't believe this, I never thought people were this mean.

It's not all bad though I met some other people and they were nice, but I still don't understand it.

Thursday, 4 October 2012

Ok, so it has been my first week of actual exercise in a month, AND OMG my aching non-existent six pack. I didn't really know what the three classes I took were I just thought they were all like yoga or aerobics. I was right for my first class, steps, it was like aerobics but a HECK of a lot harder. There were all these crazy dance moves and I just stood there looking at the teacher like, "" I really didn't how to do some of the steps, it was muy dificil, but the teacher is super nice. I told her I don't understand much Spanish and NO Catalan, and so every once and awhile she'd say something in English, look at me and go "Is that right?" it was really funny, and the rest of the class would say "yes, it's right" and laugh. It was a good time.

This is what steps looks like

That was on martes(Tuesday) and on miercoles(Wednesday) I had Pilates. I thought it was like aerobics. It was a mixture between yoga and just plain "oh my abs, why am I doing this" pain. I liked it but OH GOD IT HURT. The next day, my abs were defiantly hurting, but I knew I needed to commit to at least 3 days a week of working out, so I went to tono. THAT WAS NOT A GOOD IDEA! I should of guessed by the name that it had something to do with toning, but I didn't. It was like hell and steps and Pilates was all mixed together. Don't get me wrong it was a good work out and I'm defiantly going back, but my poor stomach can not take this much working out, I'm so sore.

Oh and for some reason after working out people here just look like they've gone for a walk. I'm standing there all red faced and sweaty, and their all nice looking and perfect. WHAT IS WITH THIS. I literally had sweat running down my face and the lady next to me looked like she just got off from sitting on a couch. 

Oh and my uncle sent me the sweetest message on Facebook:

Wednesday, 3 October 2012

It's been quite awhile since I've posted here, oops. I'm just one of those people whose like, "oh I'll do it later tonight" and I forget, but today OH NO I did not forget. Go me! *self highfive*
So since it has been quite a while this is going to be a biggie.

Okay, so school has gotten a lot better. I'm not understanding anything but I've made friends! And seriously that's really what it's all about. In fact I had two people stop me, today, when I was walking and ask me how I was doing and where I was from and all that jazz. It made me feel pretty happy and fuzzy on the inside. YAY FRIENDS! 

My language is slowly improving, though I still need English for a lot of things. I study almost everyday and I try to pay attention in my Spanish classes, but everyone speaks so fast :( I don't have the problem with people speaking to me in English because most people don't speak to me. I understand, when you speak to me you have to speak slowly and I'm REALLY hard to have a conversation with because it takes me so long to created one sentence. I would like to get to know more people right now but that'll have to wait until I can speak Spanish better. And my friends are really helping me with Spanish and I try my best to help them with their English.

Outside of school I've been doing more and more. On Saturdays, I've started helping out at an animal shelter and I LOVE IT! I get to give all this my love to all the dogs and cats there that really need it, it's really quite amazing. I just wanted to adopt all of them, they are so cute and deserve a good home. One day I'll bring my camera and take some pictures. If you're from Caldes or near by and looking for an animal please think of adopting from here: Caldes Animals. These animals deserve a good home and you could give them one. I'm sad that I can't but I hope someone will.

I've also started to go to the gym 3 times a week, starting this week. I love it! The classes I'm taking are really fun, but right now I'm super sore from Pilates. AHHHH my core hurts. It's really funny when I come back because my face is all red; my face is always really red when I do exercise, it's just genetics; and my host mom says I'm all rosy and laughs, it makes me laugh.

I haven't taken many pictures in since I've written last, but I've drawn quite a bit. Here are some of the photos:

There's more but I don't want to overload erbody

Also I'm feeling really, umm I don't know the word, but activist-y. I feeling "wise" about some stuff and I might make a video on it but I don't know, maybe.

Wednesday, 19 September 2012

Some Explaining

Yesterday, I said I was super angry about something, but now that I cooled off I feel like it is not necessary to make a video about it. OK, well this is what happened.

           I had my first actual day of school yesterday, and everything was going.. uhh, ok. I mean there were some little bumps. Like when my Spanish Lit. teacher called me out and then went on this big rant about how people need to be nice to me because I'm an exchange student and I don't really understand anything. Ok, that's kinda nice I guess. It was a tad embarrassing but I got over it. The thing I didn't get over, however is this: I was walking to my English class, all by myself because you know what it is freaking hard to make friends here, and I saw some people I recognized to be in my grade. I thought, "Oh! this is a good opportunity to be nice to them, I'll just smile or something, nothing to big" so I smile. That was not a good decision. One of the guys shouted, "What the fuck!" right at me.
Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa. Hold on a moment mister. I was being nice and OH you swear at me. At first this made me super upset because all I was trying to do was be friendly, but after much thought, I was like screw it. Know what? Forget it. I'm going to deal with this in the Canadian way.

          What is the Canadian way, you might ask? BE VERY FRIENDLY! Canadians are known for being friendly. Well, mister, you going to get a whole bunch of friendly coming your way. Oh I see your in the same hallway as me, HOLA! Oh you swore at me again, well partner aren't you a sad little camper. I guess I'm going to have to be a whole bunch friendlier just to make sure you know that Canadians are quite a friendly even when they've been sworn at.

          Ok I know that sounds like I'm actually going to be mean to this kid, but truthfully I'm not. All I'm going to do is be friendly and hope it works :)
         Other then that little ordeal I'm pretty decent. I mean I don't really understand ANYONE but hey I'm learning a brand new language and it has only been 2 and a half weeks. There's only room for improvement.

Tuesday, 18 September 2012


I had some major problems today, but it is to long to explain by writing so tomorrow I will make a video about it

Monday, 10 September 2012

                Tonight in my town there was a rally for the independence of Catalonia. There were many people, but not like it was the whole town. I don't understand why Catalonia wants independence, so (for me) it made no sense for me to be there because I don't know the facts so I don't know where I stand on this matter. Though in most cases I don't support separatism unless it is extremely bad. When I got home I went straight to my laptop and googled it. What I learnt is that Catalonia feels it is a whole different culture than Spain, that they are a nation of their own. That they feel that Spain is not doing the right things where their money, that they are working and the government is wasting their money. I also learnt that during the Franko era in Spain it was banned to speak Catalan, and that same hatred is still around today. I think, from what I've been hearing from most people, that this is why they want to separate. I feel that now I am more informed that I can make an opinion,  but I still don't know how I feel on this.
                  You see, I don't understand. Just plain and simple; I don't understand. This situation is tense. But you see there is something that bothered me about this.... rally. You see there were many children and teens there, and from the looks of it they really believed in this, even my host sister is into this. But what I ask is, do they know what they are supporting? do they know why they support it? I bet if I asked why they felt this way they would just say because; and I don't like that. I never, or try to never, support a cause unless I know why I support it and I know the facts. I will not blatantly follow, I will form my own opinion on my own. When I don't know the facts I usually say I don't know how I feel about it, like in this case. But these kids are just following their parents, being fed something they don't understand. For example, I was walking with my host sister and we were counting Catalan flags. I pointed out a Spanish and her reaction was immediately was to cringe her nose and say eww. Excuse me? Why? I'd understand if it was a nazi flag but a Spanish flag? If you complain about Spain being racist, then why, pray tell, are you cringing your nose? This hate that was created is just doing the same that Franko did. All hate does is create more hate. I JUST DON'T UNDERSTAND

Thursday, 6 September 2012

Having some problems

I'm having such a hard time understanding the language, it's so frustrating!! I spent the whole day trying to study "to have" and I created all these word things so I can understand better, but then no. I study the wrong "have" there's two haves in spanish...... OMG it's so frustrating, I don't understand anything, I'm not getting any better, and I have such a hard time talking to people. I feel like I can't be myself because I just I can't communicate with anyone. AND this stupid "have" stuff, OMG i don't understand what's the difference between the two verbs, yes I know "tener" is possession, but what is "haber" I know it has something to do with having done something, but why are there different tenses for it? I've either done something or not. I may have done it in the past but have means I've done it in the past, why is there a past tense? IT IS SO HARD!!! i thought spanish was easy.... this sucks so much. also what the heck is a "perfect" verb structure? when do I use that?? it is still that I've done it. I DONT UNDERSTAND.

Sunday, 2 September 2012

Arrival in Spain

I arrived in Spain on September 1. I now know that I speak NO spanish at all. I am learning quickly, though, I am studying very hard so maybe by the time school starts (sept 12) I can say some stuff.
I'm scared I'm going to have no friends for the first bit :S because I can't say anything, but my technique is to be super outgoing and if I make a mistake just laugh it off. Hopefully that will work.
My host family is SUPER supportive, they try their best to teach me Spanish, though I don't remember what they taught me if I don't write it down. With their help I am slowly understand a little more everyday. So I think everything will be alright
Oh and their cat fell asleep on my bed

Friday, 31 August 2012


I just arrived in Toronto! I'm waiting to get on the plane to Barcelona for 7 long hours. The first flight was already long in my head and it was 3 hours... This'll be fun!
My view from the plane!! I had the window seat. This flight I have the aisle I'm so glad I got the aisle!!!

Thursday, 23 August 2012

I'm going to put out videos soon, I'm not very good at writing down my feelings. I'm better at talking :)


I went to Granville Island today with my mom. I got stuff for my host family, these crazy Canada pins, and a watch. It was a good day, especially when a lady at a store I went to and I bonded over Avatar. We talked about our favourite moments and Korra of course, it was nice :) :)
These were the pins I got. I can't wait to put them on things :) :)


I did a late night drawing 

Freaking Out and First Goodbye

Leaving hasn't really sunk in yet... but I have these moment when I'm just sitting around and it strikes me "OH MY GOSH I'M LEAVING IN A WEEK, I NEED TO DO STUFF" but then I just keep sitting on the couch knitting. Life is like that for me I guess. I just get worked up at a weird point of time but then when I should be worked up I'm fine. For example, I said my first goodbye today (that I know of). My older sister was leaving to go to university (2nd year) and I just hugged her, smiled and I really didn't understand that I wasn't going to see her in a year. It's kinda hitting me now. But I'm not that sad. All I realize is that I won't see her in awhile. Hmm I thought I'd be sad. I guess not.

Sunday, 19 August 2012

I skyped my host family yesterday! They are so nice, they said they would treat me as a daughter/sister. They wanted to know how I was and all my flight plans! They even gave me a tour of their house via Skype!!! :) my host family is so great!

Monday, 13 August 2012

Folk Fest

I also went to Vancouver Folk Fest, but that was awhile ago. Here's some photos. Theres is one with Good For Grapes, an awesome band and another with is my friend and I with Dan Mangan, he's a pretty cool dude. I can't really tell y'all which is which because I can't order them on my mobile. The rest is all my friends and I goofing off
Also lighter news I went camping! With one of my best friends and her fam jam in manning park! It was A LOT of fun!! Here's us eating breakie and moi feeding a golfer!
I'll be leaving to Spain at the end of the month... I can't wait! I think in everyday I get more and more excited. But I also think I get more and more resentful of the people around me. I get a little more agitated at some people because I know it's likely they'll forgive me easier because they know I'm leaving soon OR because I know that I can say something to them that might anger them and then *poof* I'm gone for a year and oh guess what they forget they were even angry at me. I also keep saying that I won't have to deal with them in Spain to myself, which isn't helping my anger... But I acknowledge I am angrier so I do stop myself sometimes... *sigh* I really have no idea what I'm doing, even if it seems like it. Jeez in such a whiner!

Friday, 27 July 2012

Hello, My name is Marielle and I’m an exchange student for Rotary International. I love doing sports (Ultimate Frisbee is my favourite), drinking tea, playing with my pets, and watching cartoons. I also love new experiences and place, so I know that this exchange is for me.
I’m from Vancouver and I’m sponsored by the Lionsgate and the North Vancouver Rotary clubs. For my exchange I'm going to the town of Caldes de Montbui, it is a town right outside of Barcelona, Spain. I think it's a small town but I'm not sure... in 2001 it had about 15,000 people but I'm not sure if it has grown a lot in these past 11 years.
This is the town!!

My town also has a coat of arms!!
I am so excited for this exchange, though I'm a little scared for it. I don't know any Spanish or Catalan; I know French but I'm not sure if that will help. I'm hoping if I'm really friendly people will look over the fact I can't speak Spanish/Catalan.

I'm not the only one doing an exchange in my Rotary district (5040), in fact there are 13 people doing it all together. 3 people are going to Brazil, 2 people going to France, 2 people going to Belgium, 1 person going to Italy, 1 person going to the Netherlands, 1 person going to Taiwan, and 1 person going to Sweden. I know 2 people have already gone to Brazil and are having lots of fun!!

Here are some of my exchange friends blogs: