In the last couple weeks I've done quite a bit. Two and a half weeks ago I went to France to collect chestnuts with my host family and another family for Castanya. It was quite enjoyable. It was outdoors in the mountains, so naturally I felt at home. I don't know, but there was just something so invigorating about being there. The air just felt so much fresher then here in the city, it was lovely. We had to "hike" to where we wanted to pick chestnuts, and to get to the trail we had to go through this small town. This town was completely beautiful! I loved it....
A house in the town
Once on the "hike" (I put hike in quotations because it was not the BC standard of a hike, it basically was a walk on pavement) it was still breathtakingly beautiful. There were mountains, trees, and actual forests!! I just loved it, for the first time on my trip I really felt like I belonged, it was wonderful.
The mountains before we started the hike
The mountains during the hike
When we got to the top there was a big beautiful church and SOOOOO many chestnuts. We collected a bunch of them :)
The church
I had a lot of fun in France and I really hope we can go there again.
Other than going to France my life has been very normal. I go to school, eat, exercise, and sleep. I've been having more and more fun though in school, which is nice.
This weekend I went to this house up in the mountains with my host family and their friends. Here are some pictures:
The house we were staying in
View from the house