Thursday 23 August 2012

Freaking Out and First Goodbye

Leaving hasn't really sunk in yet... but I have these moment when I'm just sitting around and it strikes me "OH MY GOSH I'M LEAVING IN A WEEK, I NEED TO DO STUFF" but then I just keep sitting on the couch knitting. Life is like that for me I guess. I just get worked up at a weird point of time but then when I should be worked up I'm fine. For example, I said my first goodbye today (that I know of). My older sister was leaving to go to university (2nd year) and I just hugged her, smiled and I really didn't understand that I wasn't going to see her in a year. It's kinda hitting me now. But I'm not that sad. All I realize is that I won't see her in awhile. Hmm I thought I'd be sad. I guess not.

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