Saturday 13 October 2012

I'm done.

Just because I don't speak the same language as you, does not mean I like being ignored.
Just because I'm not the same as you, does not mean I don't like being included.
Just because I don't like the same things as you, does not mean I don't like being ditched.

I'm trying so hard to make friends and be nice and talk to people, but I'm not getting back what I put out there. I got ditched not once but three times by my "friends" today. Do you know how much that hurts? If you don't want to be friends with me just tell me, okay? Don't let me believe you like me and then just not talk to me or ditch me, because that hurts a lot more then just telling me you don't like me. I can't believe this, I never thought people were this mean.

It's not all bad though I met some other people and they were nice, but I still don't understand it.

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