Thursday 25 October 2012

I'm feeling good, don't worry.

This week has been good.

I've talked to a friend about my frustrations and she says she understands and will help me, which is GREAT! School has been getting better, slowly. I'm really pushing myself to talk with people even more and I think it is going really good. I'm also learning new things all the time about Spanish, so I'm not to worried about the language. So if you are worried, there is no need to be. I sometimes get really frustrated and since I don't really have anyone here to rant to about it with (because at the moment I don't have a counsellor here), I ranted about it on my blog. I'm sorry if I worried anyone.

Today was actually a really good day. I took my parents advice and tried to be more open minded. AND, my dear parents, I'm sorry if I was so grumpy to you, I just hate it when your right when I'm feeling bad. I was being a little closed minded and immature when I was talking to you, and for that I am sorry. BUT any-who, about my day. I went and I helped out in a "grade 8" (segundo de eso) English class, and boy was that fun.

I was helping out these 2 boys who were doing a project on Canada. After the teacher introduced me to the boys, I told them I was from Vancouver, and one of the boys reaction was priceless. He got excited and told me he liked the Vancouver Canucks and that he really liked Canada. I was thinking, "This kid is going to go places in life." He also told me that he was going to Vancouver in 3 years, which I was like that's really far planning ahead, but OK. Then the boys proceeded to ask me about Canada and I helped with their English on their slides for the presentation.

Later in the day I went out for a walk, and I needed to send off my postcards. After I sent the postcards off I went to this shop I always look at. It is a tea shop, so of course being the tea fanatic I am, I had to go. I went and I bought chai tea and had a nice conversation with the store owner. She told me she always saw me looking in the shop when I passed by it (this is usually when I'm walking back from the gym and I have no money so I never go in). She also asked me where I was from, she thought I was from Japan because of my "looks" but I told her I was from Canada. She was surprised, and then I told her I was half Chinese and half German, and she was like, "That's a good mix" I agreed. She also gave me these free sugar candy things to put in your tea for free. She was super nice. I also would like to point out that I spoke only in Spanish, though it was very broken Spanish, it was Spanish.

And that's really all that happened to me today.

OH and also because I have so much free time, I've been really "finding" my style. It kinda all started when I was drawing something from a show I liked, when I though I really like drawing like this. It doesn't make me stressed it's just fun. So I drew more and more like that and I really like it. I'm still developing it more but for now it is just so fun to draw like this.

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